Carriers of Death by John Creasey

Carriers of Death by John Creasey

Author:John Creasey [Creasey, John]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Ipso Books


Mark Potter’s version

There were twenty armed policemen in the five black cars which arrived from Preston exactly twelve minutes after Kerr and Davidson had barricaded themselves in. They found none of the gunmen on the premises—but they did find other things.

Inspector Moor, shot three times through the chest and mortally wounded, was in the kitchen, where he had been talking with Oakwood. The butler had been cracked over the head but not shot—obviously the attackers had not considered him much danger. The five women-servants were crammed together in a locked pantry, four of them barely conscious by the time a policeman opened the door to have the nearest fall out at his feet. The other three menservants were missing.

Kerr swore as he guessed why: they must have been expecting Kelly to arrive—as that woman had. Obviously, they had gone with him.

‘Of course,’ Davidson suggested, ‘they might have been forced?’

Kerr shook his head: ‘He’d have shot them out of hand, if they’d been in his way. They must have been his own men, working with—or against—Potter. We’ve a lot to learn about Potter yet.’

‘If they were Kelly’s men,’ objected Davidson, ‘why did they stay here as long as they did?’

Kerr laughed, without humour.

‘Because they weren’t worried about the police; the police would inquire about the murder, and that was normal enough. They were waiting for us to return: as soon as we did, their boss was told and he came for us. Kelly obviously doesn’t like Craigie’s men.’

His theories were not far wrong. Benson was indeed concerned with Craigie’s men. He—and Marlin, at Putney, where he had been informed by telephone—had been shocked by Kerr’s appearance at The Larches. They could have understood it had he arrived after the Potter murder was known: they were baffled by his arrival sooner—and very glad that Jeremy Potter was dead. He might have told Kerr a great deal...


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